What makes the ‘InspectorNick.com inspection’ different?
by ll_inspector_nick
It is important to read up on your home inspector and know their certifications before you hire them. Our advice – use an ASHI certified inspector. They have taken tests and classes to be the best in the industry. Besides our technical certifications and licenses, we offer the most experience when it comes to home inspection. Education is our highest priority during your inspections. We encourage you to walk the entire home with us. We want to show you where everything is, how to maintain it and what to do if you have a problem. We guarantee our team will get on every roof. We walk every roof ourselves and do not eyeball it from your front lawn. Our team of inspectors is the only HAAG certified roof inspectors in Kansas City.
InspectorNick.com has been ranked is a top-ranked and reviewed home inspection company by Google. We go above and beyond from scheduling to reporting. We are different, let us show you.