Sewer System Inspection Services in Kansas City

Sewer Line Scope Inspections

Sewer System Inspection Services in Kansas City

Sewer System Inspections

Kansas City's Sewer Line Scope Inspection Services

Most potential homeowners are not aware that as part of homeownership, maintaining the health of the underground sewer line, from the house to the city connection, is their responsibility. While makes every attempt to thoroughly review every aspect of the plumbing, unknown issues may exist with the underground sewer line. Let us complete a Sewer Line Scope to ensure this very important area of your new home is in good working condition prior to closing the home.

A Sewer Line Scope is recommended for every home in Kansas City built prior to 1980, as these properties have clay lines in lieu of the PVC lines used in today’s construction. Due to the nature of this material, issues like holes in the line, cracks, complete breaks, or tree root infestation may exist that could result in expensive repairs or complete sewer line replacement.

Sewer Line Scope $220 for Single Family Homes, $250 for Multi-Family Properties

We are here for you to make the process easy.

Our team of inspectors is here to help. Transparency, guidance, and education is our goal during the home inspection. We will help ensure the home you are purchasing is safe for your family and will not cause major or expensive problems in the future.


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