Make Sure Your Home Inspector Is Not Fixing Your House
by ll_inspector_nick
Make sure your home inspector is not fixing your house, too. It seems simple enough – maybe even innocent. A home inspector combs through your property. Wood rot here. Roof leak there. It sure would be convenient if they could fix the home’s problems, too.
Before you proceed down some type of yellow brick road with a home inspector offering to fix the property make sure you understand your risks.
A home inspector’s job is to let you know the in’s and out’s of a property so you can determine if the house is a good investment for you. Our trade is built on the reputation of home inspectors being honest and unbiased. That is why we are to stay away from personally helping you correct problems within the home.
Home inspectors create a “public trust” by offering a service to protect the client by completing a property inspection to disclose financial and safety risks. Clients trust our competence, honesty, and lack of bias. This includes actual or potential bias from a conflict of interest arising when an inspector attempts to serve simultaneously his home buying client and home sellers, real estate agents, or third parties who stand to profit from the sale or repair of real estate property. Engaging in a conflict of interest violates the public trust and is unethical.
Basically – we need to be “Switzerland” and stay neutral when it comes to fixing or selling your home.
We are able to offer referrals (see Nick’s Trusted Partners). We can provide an unbiased opinion on the work that needs to be performed. We cannot perform the work ourselves or send you to someone who is, in turn, going to pay us for sending you to them. We receive no “kickbacks” from vendors we recommend and have no financial interest in the homes we are inspecting.
Remember that not ALL home inspectors are ASHI-certified. DO YOUR RESEARCH – some home inspectors indicate they meet ASHI certifications but are NOT ASHI-CERTIFIED. Double-check ASHI certifications for inspectors in your area. We are home inspectors you can trust. We are simply in this to provide a great service and keep our clients and their families safe.